Rabu, 04 September 2019

3 Factors That Affect Breakfast Habits

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3 Factors That Affect Breakfast Habits - Healthy friend, you know the importance of breakfast before you move? Yep, besides giving you energy for activities, it turns out that breakfast also supports the development of the brain and nutrients for the body, especially for school children, you know!

Several studies have mentioned that breakfast has several benefits such as increasing stress resistance, memory and so on. Oh yeah, apparently there are three factors, which affect your breakfast activity. Want to know anything? So, let's check it out!

1. Gender
Do you know? Based on research conducted by Sylga, a person of male sex is more likely to eat breakfast compared to women. This is because, girls tend to pay attention to food consumed, for fear of being fat. Thus, girls prefer not to have breakfast. Another reason is because I am not accustomed to breakfast, lazy, and afraid to be late for school.

2. The work of a mother
A mother's work also affects the availability of the breakfast menu in the morning. When compared with mothers who do not work or housewives, are more likely to have enough time to prepare breakfast compared to working mothers. This is due to lack of mother's time to prepare breakfast in the morning.

3. The existence of breakfast habits in the family
In the results of the study indicate that the existence of breakfast habits in the family can form children's breakfast habits. This is because a child tends to adopt the same habits as their parents.

So parents should set a good example for children so they can follow the breakfast habits that have been formed. Based on research conducted, adolescents who get less encouragement from their parents to eat healthy, tend not to do breakfast compared to children who are often encouraged by their parents.

So, what should you like, a good breakfast? Of course the recommended breakfast is high in protein, fiber and low in fat. High consumption of protein and fiber can make you full longer. Don't forget, carbohydrate consumption because this substance functions to produce energy, so that it can make the mind become more focused.

Nutritional Substances for Cancer Patients, You Need to Know!

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Nutritional Substances for Cancer Patients, You Need to Know! - Healthy Friend, someone who has cancer has an unusual lifestyle. This is due to the anxiety and worry he feels. In addition, the lifestyle and eating patterns that are not regular also affect it. Feelings of nausea, anorexia, dry mouth, etc. are some of the causes.

But, did you know? World Research Cancer Fund recommends cancer sufferers and former sufferers to maintain physical activity and nutrient intake, so that life becomes healthier. Do you want to know how? Come on, listen!

Come on, adjust the diet!
The following are the dietary settings suggested by the  American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR), let's see!

  1. Arrange the composition, you can fill two-thirds of the meal with vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. Another third you can fill with white meat (chicken) or fish. More vegetable and fruit composition, will inhibit free radicals that can trigger cancer, you know!
  2. Complete the color, the  more colorful your food, the more varied nutrients are obtained, such as vitamins and minerals. Although it takes a little, but it is very risky if not fulfilled.
  3. Limit consumption of red meat and processed meat,  for cancer patients it is recommended to limit consumption of red meat and processed meat, such as sausages, meatballs, burgers, ham. It is feared that the processes used during processing, such as smoking, roasting or salting can trigger the activity of other cancer cells.

Start consuming this!
The former cancer survivor proves that a healthy lifestyle can help prevent this disease. Several studies revealed that as much as 15% reduced the risk of cancer by consuming more vegetables, fruit, animal protein, wheat and others. This is better than consuming junk food,  foods with high fat content and high sugar content.

Some food ingredients that you can use to prevent this disease, namely:

  1. Garlic,  is a food that is used as a spice. This material can be used to help 'kill' and prevent the growth of cancer cells, especially around the digestive tract. The active substances contained therein are, organic sulfur substances and their derivatives, such as Alliin .
  2. Vegetables from the cruciferous family , for  example vegetables, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, and turnips, which contain antioxidants. This substance can protect you from free radicals, so it can slow down its growth, and help deactivate cancer cells.
  3. Tea, The  content of catechins in tea is used to reduce and slow the growth of tumor cells. The highest antioxidant content, in green tea, is it!
  4. A variety of green vegetables, green  vegetables contain beta-carotene and lutein substances that function as a source of antioxidants. This substance, kiga serves to inhibit the growth of several types of cancer cells.

Well Healthy Friends, in essence, to support success in cancer treatment, that is, there is support from the people closest to recover and sufficient nutrients to help fight cancer cells. Come on, take care of your health by doing a healthy lifestyle and do not forget to provide support to cancer sufferers to continue to be optimistic about his recovery! Don't forget to share  this info with the people closest to you

4 Reasons Why You Should Eat Grains!

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4 Reasons Why You Should Eat Grains! - Healthy Friends, lately many have begun to care about healthy lifestyles, such as starting to routinely exercise and regulate eating habits by getting used to eating fresh food and reducing junk food consumption . Well, one food that can be an option for you to consume is whole grains.

Yep, the seeds in question  are classified in the legume family and are usually sold dry, such as peas, kidney beans, green beans, black beans, and so on. If you look deeper, by consuming this food, you will get 4 benefits for the body, you know! Want to know anything? So, let's check it out!

1. Having a low salt content
Salt or sodium is one component of micronutrients needed by the body to regulate water levels in the body. Usually the body needs 2000 mg of salt intake or 1 teaspoon per day.

If you consume more than that, it will increase the risk of hypertension. Consuming whole grains in your diet will minimize this, due to the low salt content of less than 500 mg per serving.

2. Good source of protein derived from plants
You need to consume protein nutrients every day, you know! Protein is needed to arrange the shape of the body, protection of the immune system, as a source of energy, and so on. In adults (ages 19-29), usually the required protein intake is 62 g per day for men and 56 g per day for women.

One source of protein that you can consume, comes from seeds. Yep, based on an article released by FAO ( Food and Agriculture Organization ), in 100 g lentils (a type of beans) contain 25 g of protein. You can also mix these seeds with rice to be consumed to increase protein intake.

3. A good source of iron
Iron is needed to carry oxygen to all body tissues, to form hemoglobin in red blood cells, and various enzyme reactions in the body. If you lack iron intake, your body will feel weak and you might be indicated for anemia. Every day you need iron intake of 26 mg (female) and 13 mg (male) at the age of 19-64 years.

Now, to minimize this, you can consume grains to get iron intake. According to the American Pulse Association, the iron intake you get from consuming black beans per serving, will be equivalent to 85 grams of flank steak .

4. Rich in folic acid
Folic acid intake, apparently not only needed by pregnant women (pregnant women), you know! As you know, folic acid is needed for pregnant women to avoid fetal imperfections at birth. Under normal circumstances, folic acid is also needed to improve memory, skin health and build healthy blood cells.

Daily needs are 400 micrograms (men> 19 years old), 400-600 micrograms (women> 13 years) and 600 micrograms (pregnant women). You can get folic acid intake from these grains, because according to the American Pulse Association, chickpeas contain 3x folic acid per serving when compared to kale (1 portion of kale = 67 gr kale = 19.4 micrograms)

Well, those are 4 reasons you can make a reference for consuming grains. Come on, consume a variety of food, so you can get a variety of nutrients, Healthy Friends!

Selasa, 03 September 2019

4 Benefits of Omega-3 Contains Fish!

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4 Benefits of Omega-3 Contains Fish! - Healthy Friend, you know what? One of the nutrients in fish is omega-3 fatty acids. Yep, this nutrient is known to be able to maintain and improve the work of the heart, you know! It turns out that this nutrient, not only beneficial for heart health, but also other body parts. Want to know anything? Come, see the explanation here! Let's check it out!

1. Heart health
Nutrients contained in fish , especially omega-3 fatty acids are known to be beneficial for maintaining heart function. Yep, this nutrient can increase the content of good cholesterol ( High Density Lipoprotein or HDL), suppress the occurrence of blood clots in blood vessels, and maintain the rhythm of the heartbeat, so that your heart will work more optimally.

2. Improve cognitive function of the brain
Apparently, this nutrient content can help improve memory or cognitive function of the brain, you know! This is because the increased HDL content, will help expedite blood supply to the brain and throughout the body, thus reducing the risk of developing degenerative brain function diseases such as Alzheimer's.

3. Diet for breast cancer sufferers
It turns out that omega-3 fatty acids can be used as a diet for breast cancer sufferers, you know! According to research conducted by Khadge, giving omega-3 diets to animals for 35 days can reduce the number of cancer cells that exist. This is also supported by Prof. Talmadge 's statement which states that the omega-3 content can increase endurance.

4. Helps the detoxification process
Omega-3 contained in fish, helps activate cells and control the detoxification process carried out by bile acids in the liver, intestines, and kidneys in the body. In addition, omega-3 also acts as a protector of bile acids when cholestatic (blocked bile flow) mild or severe.

Healthy Friends, those are some of the benefits of fish that you need to know. Do not forget, meet your protein intake needs when eating 2-3 servings of protein derived from animal or vegetable side dishes in accordance with the rules of the contents of my plate. In addition, vary the intake of food consumed, so you get a diverse intake of nutrients. Come on, eat fish!

Reduce Caffeine Consumption? Just try Decaf Coffee

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Reduce Caffeine Consumption? Just try Decaf Coffee - Healthy Friend, are you reducing your intake of caffeine in coffee? Yep, coffee is one type of drink that has a lot of fans, especially someone who has a lot of activity. One of the substances that gives coffee a bitter taste is caffeine.

Caffeine can increase psychomotor work , gastric acid secretion , heart rate, frequency of urination and muscle tension. Therefore, for those of you who have a low tolerance for caffeine, it is necessary to reduce coffee consumption so that it does not negatively impact your health. One way to consume decaf cofee. Want to know what are the facts? Come on, listen!

1. Decaf c offee is low in caffeine 
Decaf Coffee is one of the coffee products produced from porses to reduce caffeine levels (decaffeination). This process aims to reduce the levels of caffeine present in green coffee beans to their lowest levels.

The manufacturing process is quite long, when compared to coffee making in general. You do this by adding various solutions so that the caffeine in the coffee beans is extracted out, so that the womb is reduced. The solution used is still safe, and effective for reducing caffeine levels in coffee.

2. The taste of coffee remains awake
Who said the decafination process eliminates the taste of coffee? Basically, during this process, all the nutrients in the coffee beans disappear, which causes loss of  flavor . Researchers are still developing their research so that this process does not change the taste of coffee.

3. Reduced content of chlorogenic acid 
Chlorogenic acid is one of the substances that gives coffee a sour and sour taste. During the decaffeination process , one of which is immersion, can dissolve the contents of this substance, so the sour taste in coffee is slightly reduced. The process of  reducing the levels of these substances, does  not reduce the antioxidant content contained in it and can still be maintained.

4. Not just black coffee
For those of you who like coffee with a variety of flavors, no need to worry, because  decaf coffee is  n't only enjoyed as just black coffee. Some coffee shops also started using decaf coffee with various flavors on the menu.

So, you can still make innovative coffee concoctions, using this type of coffee. Starting from manual brew  to  espresso base. Add hot or cold water, or add syrup as a sweetener.

Now, you now know the 4 unique facts behind  decaf coffee . Healthy friends can really replace coffee with  decaf coffee. But remember, even though it is low in caffeine, the maximum limit for coffee consumption is only 3 cups per day. Come on, make it a habit to consume food or drinks as needed!

This turns out, 3 other benefits of coffee grounds!

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This turns out, 3 other benefits of coffee grounds! - Healthy Friend, are you a fan of coffee? Yep, who doesn't like this drink. His fans ranging from young people to adults. But you know what? It turns out that coffee grounds can be used for various things, you know!

Besides being used as a body scrub and mask in the beauty field, it turns out that this waste is also beneficial in the health and environmental fields. Do you want to know how the application is? Come, see the explanation here!

1. Alternative fuels
In this modern era, many studies have developed alternative fuels based on natural materials or waste. But you know what? It turns out that coffee pulp waste can be used as an alternative fuel in the form of  bricket .

Bricket is usually used to maintain a flame, so the duration of the resulting flame is longer. This method can save fuel usage, you know! For example, a steam train with wood fuel, if you add bricket from coffee grounds, the use of the wood will be less and you can reduce tree felling as a source of fuel.

2. Organic fertilizer
You know what, coffee grounds have many benefits, you know! Especially for plants by increasing the intake of substances Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P), and Potassium (K) or commonly called NPK. This substance is needed by plants because it can help fertilize the soil.

Apparently, this waste can be used as organic fertilizer, because it contains minerals, carbohydrates, and acids so that it can reduce soil pH. So, from now on don't throw it away as waste immediately! You can mix it with plants to grow more fertile and certainly safe for the environment.

3. Medicine for wounds
Coffee grounds can heal wounds? Yep, just sprinkle coffee grounds or coffee grounds on your wound. Antimicrobial properties that exist in coffee, can inhibit the growth of bacteria in the wound, so that it can inhibit infection. Research conducted by Lilian,  concluded that coffee powder can accelerate the wound healing process, you know!

Well, Healthy Friend, the waste generated from your daily activities, does not mean it can not be used to be something else, yes. From now on, do not immediately throw coffee grounds into waste, but you can use them to be useful things. Good luck!

Let's Recognize These 4 Types of Chocolate!

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Let's Recognize These 4 Types of Chocolate! - Healthy Friend, did you get a lot of chocolate last week? Yep, February is identical to the 'chocolate' month. In addition to many fans because of its sweet taste and can improve the 'mood', the content of antioxidants can also benefit the body, you know!

Reducing the risk of exposure to free radicals, cardiovascular disease, cancer, and premature aging is one of the benefits of its processed products. You know what, the kind? Want to know more, let's see the explanation here!

1.  Chocolate cover
Couverture chocolate is a type of processed product that has the highest quality, because it contains high chocolate fat ( cocoa butter)  . In addition, this type of processed product, the most sensitive at high temperatures, making it very easy to melt.

The products that you often consume, like dark chocolate , milk chocolate  and white chocolate , are also included in this type of processed products. But not all this chocolate melts quickly, because in its processing this product can use fat from palm oil which makes the product not easy to melt.

2. Compound chocolate
Compound chocolate or commonly called cooking chocolate, merupak an  kinds of products that are often used in the food industry. This is because cooking chocolate can be heated directly, without changing its natural flavor.

Besides this type of product is also very easy to freeze at room temperature. Oh yes, you can also add scents or flavors to this type. Some chocolates that come into this type are, dark cooking chocolate , milk cooking chocolate , and white cooking chocolate .

3. Cocoa powder
Who, who doesn't know this type of chocolate? Yep,  Cocoa powder is one of the processed cocoa (cocoa fruit) made from cocoa butter  which is processed and extracted from liquid chocolate ( cocoa liquor) . Cocoa powder is often used for making drinks or mixes for cookie dough.

4. Coating chocolate
Well, the last type of chocolate is coating chocolate or  baking imported chocolate . The difference between chocolate coating and other types, namely its use as a chocolate coating on food, with the composition of vegetable fat, milk, sugar, leticin, and vanilla.

In addition, chocolate coating products are divided into three types, such as  unsweetened chocolate ( tasty and low in sugar content),  bittersweet (slightly bitter taste and low sugar content), and semisweet (slightly sweet).

Yep, that's the four types of processed chocolate products that you find in many shops or supermarkets. What do you do, Healthy Friend? You already know, what type of chocolate will you use for later processing? Hopefully this information is useful! Don't forget, share your  story here!

3 Food recipes from whole grains for you!

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3 Food recipes from whole grains for you! - Healthy Friend, you already know the benefits of consuming whole grains for your health? Yep, in addition to being an alternative source of vegetable protein, the content of micro nutrients in it also helps the body work to be optimal.

Well, to start the day or accompany a relaxing afternoon, you can process these various seeds into a delicious recipe, you know! Processing it into a delicious menu, will increase the interest of people around you more eager to consume it. Want to know what the recipe is? Come on, listen!

1. Pancakes filled with kidney beans
Are you the type of person who is lazy to eat 'heavy' breakfast? Doraemon's favorite menu , you can serve at breakfast or relax in the afternoon. Come on, listen!

Ingredients that must be prepared:

Pancake Material :

  • 240 g of flour
  • 1 sdt baking powder
  • ½ tsp baking soda
  • 2 eggs (separate yolks and whites)
  • ¼ teaspoon salt
  • 250 ml air
  • 30 gr margarin

Stuffing material:

  • 50 gr red beans (boiled and puree)
  • ½ cup heavy cream

Supplementary material:

  • Pieces of strawberry or kiwi or papaya

How to make:

  • Mix all pancake ingredients except egg white and margarine
  • Beat the egg whites until stiff, then mix the melted margarine into it.
  • Mix egg white mixture into pancake mixture. Stir well.
  • Pour one spoonful of the batter into a non-stick skillet. Cook until both milk is cooked
  • Beat the cream until it is stiff, then add the red bean paste into the mixture. Mix well
  • Spread the filling on top of the pancake, then stack with another pancake. Place the pieces of fruit on top of the pancakes and serve

2. Soybean burgers
Are you confused about what lunch you want to bring? Come on, try this one unique recipe !

Ingredients that must be prepared:

  • Burger bun
  • Complementary vegetables (tomato, lettuce, chopped onion)
  • Mayonnaise and chili or tomato sauce to taste

Patty ingredients:

  1. 300 g boiled and finely ground soy beans
  2. 100 g of onion
  3. 10 g margarin
  4. 1 egg (loose laughter)
  5. ½ teaspoon salt
  6. Pepper to taste
  7. 1 tablespoon flour
  8. 100 g of oyster mushrooms
  9. 4 campignon mushrooms

How to make:

  • Saute the onion using margarine until fragrant, then set aside
  • Mix all patty ingredients, except eggs, flour and sautéed onion.
  • Add eggs little by little and alternately flour to get the desired texture.
  • Add stir-fried onion and mushrooms. Then the shape resembles a patty burger.
  • Cook until cooked, golden brown
  • Bake the burger buns with margarine for a while, until browned. Lift and set aside.
  • Arrange patty burgers and other complementary ingredients to your liking

3. Red bean ice
Well, during the day like this, delicious drinking fresh, Healthy Friends! Come on, see the recipe!

Ingredients that must be prepared:

  • 1 cup kidney beans (soak overnight, until fluffy)
  • 500 ml air
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • 1 piece of brown sugar
  • 3 cinnamon segments
  • ¼ teaspoon salt

Coconut sauce ingredients:

  • 250 ml santan
  • ¼ teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon cornstarch (dissolve with a little water)
  • 2 valleys of pandan leaves
Supplementary material

  • Shaved ice
  • Sweetened condensed milk or cocopandan syrup (to taste)

How to make:

  • Cook red beans with cinnamon and water until soft
  • Add brown sugar, granulated sugar and salt. Mix well, cook until thickened
  • Add cornstarch solution, cook until boiling. Then chill
  • For the sauce, cook all the ingredients of coconut milk sauce over low heat and while stirring, set aside
  • Serve red beans in a glass by adding shaved ice and other complementary ingredients.

Well, those are 3 processed recipes from whole grains that you can consume as a breakfast or relax menu. Let's eat a variety of foods, so that your nutritional intake is richer, Healthy Friends! Don't forget to share your cooking experience in the comments column below!

Often Selected, These 3 Drinks Can Turn Out To Cause Mental Disorders

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Often Selected, These 3 Drinks Can Turn Out To Cause Mental Disorders - Hello, Healthy Friend! What is your favorite drink? Of course there are so many types of drinks that are popular with the community, ranging from cold drinks to hot drinks. Tea, coffee, milk, chocolate drinks, fruit drinks, and sweet drinks are a few examples of drinks that are included in the  top list that are consumed.

The various types of drinks are certainly legitimate to choose from. But, did you know that there are several types of drinks that are quite popular, but if consumed in excess can actually cause mental health problems? Curious?

Drinks and their effects on mental health

Some types of drinks that are often consumed by the public contain several substances or compounds that can affect the work of the brain. This will increase the risk of mental disorders. This condition is suspected by the presence of several signs such as:

  • Sleep disturbance
  • There is a great deal of anxiety
  • There is an addiction to certain drinks

In the long run, it can interfere with the production of hormones for the brain and cell function or brain cell membranes.

Types of drinks that can interfere with mental health
Here are some types of drinks that if consumed in excess and too often can cause mental disorders:

Caffeinated beverages
Caffeine which is high enough in coffee, soft drinks and chocolate drinks is one of the substances that can interfere with mental health. Why? Caffeine has been shown to block adenosine activity in transmiter nerves in the brain. This can cause the body not to feel tired, which in turn interferes with sleep.

Sleep disorders that last for a long time can increase the risk of mental disorders. Changes in brain function will also occur because the brain has been addicted to caffeine substances. This condition increases the risk of excessive anxiety. In addition, increasing heart rate, high blood pressure, and disorders of digestion are also higher the risk for coffee addicts.

  • High sugar sugars

A study conducted by the Oslo Health Study in 2006, showed that adolescents who did not consume high-sugar drinks, had a lower risk of stress and a better total mental health score, compared to teens who often consumed high-sugar drinks. This condition is caused by consumption of high-sugar drinks can reduce the level of chemicals, namely brain-derived neurotrophic factor / BDNF, which is important for supporting brain and mental health. This causes the ability of the brain in terms of cognitive and memory will decrease.

  • Artificial sweetener drinks

One example of drinks with artificial sweeteners that are quite often chosen is soft drinks. Besides containing artificial sweeteners, the sugar content in soft drinks is also quite high. A recent study in 2018 showed that soft drinks can cause side effects that lead to stroke and dementia. The quality and duration of sleep is also influenced by the type of drink on this one. As well as Sodium Benzoate (preservatives) contained in it also affects memory and motor nerves, especially in children with ADHD.

Well, there are 3 types of drinks that are chosen quite often but apparently can cause mental health problems. For this reason, Teman Sehat must be wise and be able to control portions and frequency before consuming caffeinated drinks, high sugar drinks and artificial sweetened drinks, yes!

A good dose of Vitamin C for your body

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A good dose of Vitamin C for your body - Hello Healthy Friend! How are you today? Hopefully stay healthy and cheer up! In this transition season, you have to stay healthy so that you don't get sick easily. One way to make it easy to get sick, you can take vitamin C, because this vitamin can maintain your body's health. Currently , vitamin C supplements are sold in various forms and dosages. So you are not confused about how to choose a good dose of vitamin C, let's see the explanation!

What are the benefits of vitamin C?
Vitamin C or ascorbic acid is a type of water-soluble vitamin. Apart from being able to maintain your health, this vitamin also has other benefits, namely helping the  formation of enzymes and collagen.

Do you know what collagen is? Collagen is a protein that affects the formation of cell structures in connective tissue, such as bones, teeth, skin and muscle veins. Because of that  vitamin C is good for healing wounds, broken bones, bleeding under the skin and gums.

If you are deficient in vitamin C, you will usually experience symptoms such as fatigue, lack of appetite, dry skin, mouth and eyes, bluish color under the skin, and hair loss.

Vitamin C in the body
When you eat foods that contain vitamin C, such as fruits and vegetables, the vitamin C content that is needed as needed will be directly absorbed by the body through the small intestine. But, if you take vitamin C 1g / day or 1000mg / day in supplement form, the reverse law will apply.

What is the reverse law? That is, if you consume more than 500mg of vitamin C / day, the level of vitamin C in the body will not increase and will not be stored as a reserve in the body, but will be removed with urine. In the body, vitamin C levels will increase if kidney failure occurs or there are vitamins that are injected through blood vessels.

How do you choose the right dose of vitamin C?
Well, Healthy Friends already know how to how vitamin C is absorbed by the body. So, if you want to buy vitamin C supplements on the market that contain doses of  50, 100, 250, 500 or 1000 mg of vitamins, you must pay attention to the standard requirements per day . The standard requirement for vitamin C per day for men and women is different Friends Healthy!

For men, the vitamin C requirement is slightly higher than for women. Men aged 10-12 years can consume 50 mg / day, ages 12-15 years can consume 75 mg / day and those aged 16 years and over can consume 90 mg / day. Whereas for women aged 10-12 years can consume 50 mg / day, ages 12-15 years can consume 65 mg / day and those aged 16 years and over can consume 75 mg / day.

Vitamin B and Prevention of Non-communicable Diseases

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Vitamin B and Prevention of Non-communicable Diseases - Hello, Healthy Friend! This time we will discuss about micronutrients that play an important role in regulating bodily functions. Yep, vitamins! Healthy Friends must be familiar with vitamin C which serves to maintain gum health, vitamin A for eye health, and vitamin D for bone growth. So, are you already familiar with B vitamins?

Vitamin B is included in the group of water soluble vitamins along with vitamin C. This vitamin also consists of various types, ranging from B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, and B12. Each type of B vitamin has an important role! But, unfortunately most people pay less attention to the adequacy of their B vitamin intake because this type of vitamin is so easily found in various types of food. Well, this time we will discuss the important role of B vitamins for the body that maybe Healthy Friends do not know yet.

1. Hyperhomocysteinemia and the role of B vitamins in cancer patients
A study in 2010 showed that vitamin B (folic acid, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12) plays an important role in reducing the risk of complications due to cardiovascular disease in cancer patients. In this case, increased plasma homocysteine ​​concentration is associated with an increased risk of coronary heart disease, stroke, etc. Well, B vitamins can influence the low concentration of these substances in the blood.

2. Vitamin B deficiency increases the risk of lung cancer
Studi telah menemukan bahwa vitamin B6 dan metionin berhubungan dengan kanker paru-paru. Kadar zat tersebut yang berada diatas kadar rata-rata serum bisa mengurangi risiko terkena kanker paru-paru sebesar 50%. Selain itu, konsumsi folat bersama dengan vitamin B6 dan metionin berhubungan dengan 2/3 kali lebih rendah untuk terkena kanker paru-paru.

3. Vitamin B dan fungsi otak
Vitamin B berpengaruh pada kerja otak yang optimal. Vitamin ini penting dalam produksi energi, sintesis DNA, dan senyawa biokimia yang berperan dalam penyampaian impuls/rangsangan. Gimana sih dampak kekurangannya pada otak? Kekurangan vitamin B1 bisa menyebabkan gangguan tidur serta hilangnya memori, kekurangan vitamin B2 menyebabkan otak gagal berfungsi, kekurangan vitamin B3  bisa menyebabkan depresi hingga vertigo, kekurangan vitamin B6 bisa menurunkan daya tangkap dan fungsi kognitif, kekurangan vitamin B12 bisa menyebabkan menurunnya fungsi kognitif bahkan alzheimer. Ngga cuma dampak-dampak yang udah disebutkan, masih banyak pengaruh lainnya akibat kekurangan vitamin B pada fungsi otak.

Nah, itulah beberapa dampak akibat kekurangan vitamin B yang ternyata dahsyat banget bagi tubuh. Oleh karena itu, Teman Sehat perlu memperhatikan kecukupan vitamin ini dalam asupan harian. Konsumsi biji-bijian, kacangan-kacangan, hati, daging, telur, dan berbagai sumber vitamin B lainnya, bisa mencegah kamu dari berbagai risiko penyakit.

Senin, 02 September 2019

3 Dangers of Energy Drinks You Need to Know

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3 Dangers of Energy Drinks You Need to Know - Hello Healthy Friend! Have you ever been in a condition where college assignments pile up, the boss in the office asked for work to be completed suddenly, or tomorrow you have to present in front of the client ? Well, maybe staying up late is a choice that must be lived in order to complete the pile of tasks. Well, staying up late would not be complete without being accompanied by an energy drink. But, do you know Healthy Friend what ingredients of energy drinks and what are the dangers? Check out this description, let's!

What does the energy drink contain?
There are various kinds of energy drinks sold on the market. Starting from instant coffee, carbonated drinks, to in the form of powder. But actually, what ingredients do they contain? Caffeine, glucose and taurine . Yep! The composition of energy drinks will not be the same from one brand to another, but each energy drink must contain at least 1 of the 3 ingredients.

According to a study from Tufts University , the combination of these three ingredients is known to increase concentration. In addition, energy drinks can improve short-term memory power, strengthen muscle performance and reduce soreness. Eits,  do not rush to decide to drink energy drinks! Bibalik benefits, of course there are some health risks that must be borne.

Risk of danger of energy drinks
This risk comes from an overdose of ingredients containing the drink, the health condition of the consumer, and a combination of both. The risks faced can be temporary and mild to very severe and lead to death. Check it out!

  • The heart stops suddenly

A heart that stops suddenly is the effect of an arrhythmia, a condition in which the heart beats too fast or too slowly. Caffeine is a substance that can make the heart beat faster so that it can trigger cardiac arrest. The risk of cardiac arrest in consuming energy drinks will increase if the person has a history of heart disease. The fatal risk of cardiac arrest is permanent paralysis and even death due to the cessation of blood supply to the brain, even if only for a few minutes.

  • Severe headache

For those who are accustomed to drinking energy drinks, stop taking it can cause symptoms of severe headaches. This headache usually only occurs in part of the head, like migraine. This pain is the body's reaction when someone who has been addicted to caffeine does not get caffeine intake. This pain effect is known as caffeine withdrawal symptom .

  • Type 2 diabetes mellitus

Aside from caffeine, high glucose content from energy drinks can cause adverse effects, one of which is type 2 diabetes. Consumption of excessive energy drinks can make the insulin hormone overwhelmed to transfer blood sugar into energy, so that high blood sugar levels become high.

It turns out that behind its benefits to increase energy, there are risks that must be faced yes Healthy Friends. Energy drinks may be consumed, but not to excess until addicted. In essence, do not be ignorant of health because they have to pursue the task and job targets. Live healthy and choose the right diet!

Should Consumption of Anemia Supplements, when Pregnant?

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Should Consumption of Anemia Supplements, when Pregnant? - Healthy Friend, anemia in pregnant women (pregnant women) is a common condition. An estimated 41.8% pregnant women in the world, have anemia and half of them occur due to iron deficiency. Even though it is considered normal, this problem cannot be ignored. This is because the effect can threaten the lives of mothers and little ones.

Usually, anemia is associated with an increased risk of preterm birth, heavy bleeding during childbirth, and low birth weight (LBW). In addition, anemia can also affect the growth and development of the child during pregnancy or afterwards.

Definition of anemia

Anemia or iron deficiency, is a disease that occurs due to iron deficiency in the blood. This means that the amount of hemoglobin (Hb) in the blood decreases from the normal threshold.

Iron is needed in sufficient quantities, to form red blood cells in the spinal cord. If the number is small, then the red blood cells will not be enough to be produced, causing the Hb count to continue to decline, and you will experience anemia.

The symptoms
Pregnant women (pregnant women) are declared anemic, if the hemoglobin level in the blood is less than 11 mg / L. There are two possibilities for someone said to suffer from anemia, which must go through the Hb test and be seen from the physical gekala it shows, such as:

  • 3 L (weak, tired, and tired)
  • Tinnitus (ringing in the ears)
  • Dizzy eyes
  • Feet feels cold
  • Hard to breathe
  • Dyspepsia (discomfort in the upper abdomen or chest that arises after eating)
  • Pale, especially in the conjunctiva (clear membrane), mucosa  (mucus) mouth, and palms

If this condition is not realized or left for a long time, the symptoms that can arise are:

  • Koilonychia  (spoon nails), nails become brittle, vertical stripes, and become concave so that it looks like a spoon.
  • Atrophy of the papillary tongue, ie the surface of the tongue becomes slippery and shiny because the tongue papil disappears.
  • Angularis stomatitis (cheilosis), which is inflammation of the corners of the mouth so that it looks like a pale whitish patch
  • Dysphagia, which is pain that is felt when swallowing due to irritation in the throat

Then, should the consumption of supplements?
Pregnancy is a condition that can cause biological changes in a woman's body, while preparing for the baby's growth. One significant change, namely, an increase in blood volume up to 50% at the end of the second trimester, but the number of red cell nuclei only increased by 30%. This results in vulnerability to decrease blood Hb levels in pregnant women.

Therefore, based on an article reported by the Indonesian Ministry of Health, pregnant women are advised to consume blood-added tablets (TTD). The recommendation is to consume 60 mg iron tablets / day. But that's not all, you also need to take folic acid supplements of 300 mg / day to avoid  folic acid deficiency anemia which can cause birth defects in babies.

Well, those are some things you need to know about anemia in pregnant women. Oh yeah, keep eating foods that contain iron and folic acid, yes! Such as red meat, beans, vegetables and fruits. Supplements are only as supporting the fulfillment of nutrients that have not been fulfilled. Do not forget, avoid cooking food for too long, because it can reduce the content of folic acid in food. Come on, stay healthy while pregnant!

3 Benefits of Spirulina You Need to Know!

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3 Benefits of Spirulina You Need to Know! - Healthy Friend, do you know what Spirulina is? Yep,  Spirulina is one type of algae that is bluish green and can be consumed. Spirulina grows in tropical and sub-tropical waters which have a high salt content.

It turns out there are also, well, some other species that grow in freshwater lakes! Oh yes,  the nutrients contained in spirulina are protein, omega 6 and 3 fatty acids, vitamins B1, B2, B3, iron, minerals and others. But, do you know if spirulina has many benefits ? Come on, see the explanation of 3 benefits here!

1. Rich in antioxidants
This algae contains an active antioxidant called  phycocyanin . This substance will protect your body from free radicals, you know! Oh yes, taking it regularly, can protect cell damage, from cancer to skin problems such as wrinkles, dullness, and some other signs of aging.

2. Lowering bad cholesterol (LDL) levels
Besides functioning as an antioxidant, phycocyanin substances  can also increase levels of good cholesterol (HDL). Spirulina consumption of one gram per day on a regular basis, can reduce total fat ( triglyceride) levels by 16.3% and LDL by 10.1%.

3. Effectively prevent anemia
There are various types of anemia, but the most common is marked by a decrease in hemoglobin or red blood cells in the blood. Anemia can strike all ages, especially in the elderly which triggers prolonged weakness and fatigue. But this condition can be prevented by taking spirulina supplements which can increase hemoglobin levels and improve immune function.

You need to pay attention to this!
Spirulina is known to have several types that can produce toxins,  so you need to be aware of consuming this product if you have not tested its safety and there is no clear marketing authorization on the product.

These gangs can be contaminated by toxic substances called  microcystins.  This poison can cause indigestion, such as nausea, vomiting, heart beat very fast, fatigue, excessive thirst, and the long-term effects are liver damage and even death.

However, there are also algae that grow under strict supervision so that they are free from contamination. Until now, there has been no research that shows that the consumption of this Gangan is safe for pregnant and lactating women. As a precaution, this group is not recommended to consume it.

Well, Healthy Friends, those are some of the benefits and things you should pay attention to when consuming this product. Make sure you buy spirulina that is listed in BPOM RI, so you can feel the benefits!

Butter vs Margarine, Which Which?

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Butter vs Margarine, Which Which? - Hello, Healthy Friend! Surely you are already familiar with butter and margarine, right? Yep, until now there may still be many differences of opinion about these two types of fat sources. Then, which one is better? Come on, find out here!

A glimpse of butter!
Apparently, butter has been known for a long time even before margarine was made, Healthy Friend! Most butter is made from cow's milk fat, although it can also be made from other animal milk. Making butter is relatively easy. Healthy Friends. The manufacturing process is to stir until the fat molecules stick together and eventually become solids. You can definitely make your own at home right?

But, excessive consumption of butter or butter  can have an impact on our health, you know, Healthy Friend! This is caused by saturated fat ( saturated fat) in it.  Excessive consumption of saturated fat can cause health problems such as obesity, an increase in LDL (bad cholesterol), and its relation to the risk of heart disease ... Very dangerous yes!

A glimpse of margarine!
From this fact, the experts finally created margarine, a new product that was considered better. How to make magarin not as easy as butter because it takes additional solutions to improve the quality of butter equivalent, Healthy Friend! In addition, there is also a hydrogenation process for compacting it because, as we know, vegetable oil is liquid at room temperature.

Some studies reveal that margarine can not be a negative impact on health. This happens because margarine also contains trans fat due to the manufacturing process (hydrogenation).
Just like saturated fat, trans fat can increase LDL (bad cholesterol) and decrease HDL (good cholesterol), Healthy Friend!

Then what is better?
Lisa Moscovitz, RD., An expert and CEO of the NY Nutrition group gave the answer. When it comes to butter or margarine, the correct question is not which is healthier, but which has fewer adverse effects if consumed. Yep, in this case, butter has fewer adverse effects because margarine contains trans fat that appears during hydrogenation. But, there are also tablets that are free of trans fat. On the other hand, margarine has more unsaturated fat than butter, and that's good, Healthy Friend!

Healthy friends still can not avoid the consumption of butter and margarine?

The following tips can make it easier for you to choose the best butter or margarine! Listen!

Yep, look for margarine which has a trans fat of 0 grams.

Products that claim 0 grams of fat content may still contain trans fat, why? Yes, that's because a food company can claim their products contain zero trans fat as long as they contain less than 0.5 grams per serving.

  • Trans fat hardens at room temperature, the harder the margarine is, the more trans fat it contains.
  • Choose the product that suits your taste because this can minimize excess consumption.

But if you really want to eat healthy foods, replace butter or butter with olive oil , yogurt or mashed avocados. It doesn't taste delicious, healthy friend!

6 Tips for Successful Diet 5: 2

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6 Tips for Successful Diet 5: 2 - Hello, Healthy Friend! Have an ideal body would be everyone's dream. Many argue that having an ideal body means that you can wear clothes of all sizes, can pass on narrow streets while showing off, and most importantly for girls it means to be able to buy and wear clothes as they like. Healthy Friends agree?

Different kinds of diets must have memorized them girls ! Have you also heard of the  5: 2 intermittent fasting diet or the 5: 2 diet ? For your information,  this diet is very simple! You can eat anything according to your daily habits for 5 days a week, but for two days, not in a row, eat only 25% of normal total calories (500 calories for women and 600 for men). Healthy friends interested? To succeed in this diet, pay attention to the following 6 tips, yes, Healthy Friend!

  1. For 5 days in 1 week you can eat normally as usual without thinking about calorie intake should. Simply put, Healthy Friends can eat whatever they like without worrying.
  2. Then on the other 2 days, Teman Sehat must reduce calorie intake to a quarter (25%) of daily needs. If the normal requirement for Healthy Friends is 2000 calories, then Healthy Friends consumes only 500 calories in those 2 days. Can you do it or not?
  3. It is recommended to fast on Monday and Thursday, because in principle the 5: 2 diet is not allowed to fast for 2 consecutive days to prevent fatigue in the body. So, there must be a break between fasting days.
  4. For those who run the meal and breaking the fast try to keep your calorie intake strictly controlled. Whereas for those who do not run the meal and break the fast can eat 2-3 times but with small portions.
  5. It is important to stress again that the meaning of the word "you can eat anything for 5 days a week" is the total number of calories consumed in accordance with the body's daily needs. If the friend remained healthy eating junk food  and high-calorie for five days, then it is not to lose weight gained weight but it will continue to grow.
  6. Try to focus on nutritious, high-fiber, and high-protein foods that will make your stomach feel full without consuming too many calories.

This diet can be applied by anyone? Just like a diet in general, pregnant and breastfeeding women and diabetics must consult with a doctor or nutritionist before starting this diet program. In addition, this kind of diet can be unsafe for teenagers and children because it tends to lose important nutrients needed for growth. If not controlled properly, this diet can risk the emergence of unhealthy eating habits and even eating disorders . So , Healthy Friend want to try?

Minggu, 01 September 2019

Foods High in Calories, Good or Not?

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Foods High in Calories, Good or Not? - Hello, Healthy Friend! Have you ever heard that high-calorie foods are not good for the body? For example, if you eat fast food with a high carbohydrate, fat and sugar composition, it turns out that the calorie value is high, you know! Even though every day your body needs lots of energy with high caloric value to carry out activities, but it turns out that consumption of foods with high caloric value is not good, you know! I wonder what is the cause? Want to know, so let's check it out!

What the heck, calories?
Calories are units of energy produced from food consumed. The value is different, depending on the type of food consumed. There is a greater calorific value or caloric value. Well, that's why we have to consume various types of food, so that our calorie needs are met.

What are calories for? So, calories are obtained from food consumption, will be used as energy for doing daily activities. The source of calories you use as energy doesn't only come from carbohydrates, fats and proteins. But also from vitamins and minerals that will help the metabolic processes in your body.

High calorie foods and 'empty' calories
Do you like it, do you eat food in fast food restaurants or snacks with high carbohydrate, fat and sugar content? Or do you often eat one type of food and drink that has a high caloric value? Yep, conscious or not, apparently you often eat this one food.

Several factors such as time, taste, packaging and attractive advertising are the reasons for you to choose this type of food. But you know, it turns out that this food is a type of junk food with 'empty' calories. Why is it empty? Because these foods have high caloric value, but the content of micronutrients (vitamins, minerals, amino acids and fiber) is low or even non-existent.

Empty calories are usually derived from foods that contain high fat and added sugar. The content of fat and added sugar in junk food , will make you addicted to consume it, because the combination of sugar and fat causes dopamine increases.

Increased consumption of sugar from these foods, will increase the risk of obesity, tooth decay, and type 2 diabetes mellitus. In addition, consumption of foods high in fat and excess salt will increase the risk of stroke, high blood pressure and heart attacks.

How do you deal with it?
Come on, start reducing and limit consumption from now on. Why? The low amount of micronutrient intake that is in high-calorie foods, will make you only get a little intake of micronutrients. It's a shame, if you eat foods that are high in calories, but they are used up for daily activities, and there are no micronutrients that enter the body to help the process of metabolism?

Start by eating a variety of foods, such as the principle of my dinner plate. One plate that contains 1/3 staple food (carbohydrate source), 1/3 vegetables, 1/6 side dishes (animal / vegetable), 1/6 fruit by limiting sugar, salt and oil intake. Don't forget to drink water and make it a habit to wash your hands before eating.

Remember, healthy friend, you can consume any kind of food as the number one message in balanced nutrition, with a condition to set the pattern of food consumption and nutrient intake that you need. Come on, stay healthy with a variety of food consumption!

Green Coffee can Lose Weight, Really?

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Green Coffee can Lose Weight, Really? - Healthy Friend, have you ever had green coffee or green coffee? If it's green tea, you must have tasted it. He said, green coffee has the same benefits, with green tea, which is to lose weight. But isn't it true, consumption of green coffee can lose weight? Want to know the answer? Let's see the explanation here!

What the heck, green coffee?
Green coffee is a coffee bean that has not passed through roasting or roasting porses. As you know, coffee beans are harvested when the skin is red. Coffee beans that have been separated from the flesh of the fruit, then dried so that the color is greenish.

Well, this coffee bean is referred to as green coffee or green coffee. This designation, applies to all coffee varieties, such as arabica, excelsa / liberika or robusta. Green coffee has a aroma that is not as strong as coffee normally, because this coffee bean does not go through a roasting process that can add to the distinctive aroma of coffee.

This is a substance that can make the body 'slim'
According to the American Chemical Society,  green coffee can have a weight loss effect on the body. The results of research conducted on a group of people with excess body weight, who are required to consume 1 ounce of green coffee every day, that is, body weight can drop to 10% of the initial body weight.

According to the researchers, a substance that helps the process of weight loss in green coffee is chlorogenic acid. This substance, is still contained in coffee beans that are not through the roasting process. If coffee goes through the roasting process at a temperature of around 240-250 C ° (464-482 ° F).

How do you do this?
Substance chlorogenic acid is a chemical compound that has antioxidant properties and has benefits for the body, such as helping you lose weight. This substance will help the body to accelerate fat burning and  slow down the release of glucose (simple sugar) from the bloodstream.

This process causes decreased insulin resistance, so that it can prevent weight gain. It doesn't only help you lose weight! Chlorogenic acid can also inhibit or rebell cancer cells, as antidaibetes, antiviral hepatitis B, and antihypertensives.

Well, now you already know the benefits of green coffee?  You can consume green coffee as a way to lose weight. But remember, keep consuming according to your needs and apply the Balanced Nutrition Principle (PGS) so that your weight loss program remains healthy. Don't forget, give a comment below after you try green coffee, Healthy Friend!

Say 'No' to Obesity!

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Say 'No' to Obesity! - Healthy Friend, did you know that obesity is a non-communicable disease (PTM) ranked 5th cause of death in the world according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Yep, in 2018 an increase in the prevalence of obesity in Indonesia in 2018 amounted to 21.8%.

Obesity can happen to anyone who does not apply lifestyle and eating patterns that are not right. Especially for you who have a dense activity, so you don't have much time to exercise and eat healthy foods. Well, to prevent this, let's find out more about the disease! So, let's check it out!

Obesity is caused by an imbalance between the amount of incoming energy and what is needed by the body for various biological functions, such as physical growth, development, activity, health maintenance. This problem can happen to anyone, from the age of children, adolescents to adults.

Physical activity
Physical activity is very closely related to burning calories and fat. It is not uncommon for people who exercise to aim to burn calories, fat and train the heart to be more healthy so as to avoid obesity and heart disease.

But, how do you do physical activities for you who are 'super busy'? Simply, according to research conducted by Dewi, physical activity such as going up and down stairs, helps someone to burn eight calories per minute. So, don't forget to set aside a little time to avoid this disease and train the heart to be more healthy.

Dining pattern
Diet also contributes to increasing the risk of obesity, you know! Simply reduce or avoid the consumption of sweet foods such as cakes, packaged drinks, or soft drinks  when doing work or work. Excessive consumption of junk food and other fatty foods can also increase the risk of this disease, you know!

Well, the solution for you who like snacking and eating junk food , try to replace your snacks with fruits or vegetables, such as salads. Consumption of these foods will increase antioxidants and polyphenols which can maintain your body's health. Also bring lunch or start choosing healthy foods that you will consume when eating heavy.

Now you know, if this disease turns out to be caused by many things, one of which is a lifestyle and inadequate diet. Come on, start to apply the two tips above! Although it looks trivial, but it can help you avoid obesity, you know! C'mon, start implementing healthy living, Healthy Friend!

6 Health Risks that Thin People Should Face

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6 Health Risks that Thin People Should Face - Hello, Healthy Friend, Having a thin body seems to be the hope for most women. A thin, tall, non-fat body is assumed to be the ideal body shape. Many women who want to do any way to get this body. Starting from a strict diet, fasting, excessive exercise, to suffer from deviations in eating behavior seems to be very common among women.

A thin body, aka  underweight , is characterized by a body mass index of less than 18.5 kg / m2 . Similar to being overweight or obese, being underweight or underweight also increases some risk of disease!

1. Infectious diseases
Poor body weight can weaken the immune system. Then what is the impact? Thin people are susceptible to transmission diseases such as colds, coughs, colds, and other infectious diseases.

2. Fertility problems
A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition shows that nutritional status is not normal, whether obesity or  underwight is  associated with low fertility. It has been suggested that weight can predict the number of children a person will have, fat and thin people are predicted to have fewer children than normal nutritional status.

3. Lack of blood
Lack of blood or anemia, with symptoms of 5L (weak, tired, tired, lethargic, limp), is a case that is often found in thin people. This situation is caused by lack of intake of iron, vitamin B12, and folic acid.

4. Dementia
A study shows that people with underweight  have a higher risk for developing Alzheimer's than people with normal nutritional status. Furthermore, the researchers found that people who were underweight in middle age were 34% more likely to be diagnosed with dementia, aka senile, than people with normal nutritional status.

5. Bone problems
Brittle bones or osteoporosis are more likely to occur in people who severely limit their eating. As a result, the need for calcium, phosphorus, and other nutrients for bone health cannot be fulfilled. So it's natural that porous bone problems occur in groups of people with underweight. You don't want it?

6. Depression
There have been many studies that have tried to look at the relationship between weight and mental health level. A study conducted in China shows that underweight women and men have a higher risk of developing depression syndrome than people of normal weight.

Well, Healthy Friends still think to be thin? Let's ideal! (Aug & Don)

Are you afraid of being fat? Be Careful, Maybe You Have These 4 Problems

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Are you afraid of being fat? Be Careful, Maybe You Have These 4 Problems - Hello Healthy Friend! Are you afraid of fat? Most people, especially women, are not satisfied with their body shape, whether they feel too fat or too thin. Well, a person's opinion or perception of the condition of his body is called a  body image.

But, do you know? Apparently, this is often the wrong body image  can result in the emergence of various negative behaviors, such as a strict diet , regurgitating food that has been eaten, and so forth. Apparently, things like that are classified as psychological disorders.

Well, this time we will discuss health problems related to body image , especially the cause of fear of fat is wrong. Here we go :

1. Anorexia nervosa
Anorexia is a serious eating disorder characterized by hunger and excessive weight loss. People who suffer from this disorder assume that they are fat and try to lose weight continuously through a strict diet or excessive physical activity, even though his body is already very thin .

Ever heard of the case of the death of Jeremy Gillitzer, a male model suffering from anorexia? This model follows a strict diet that makes her very hungry and dies at the age of 38 with a body weight of around 30 kg.

2. Bulimia nervosa
Bulimia is a type of eating disorder in which the patient consumes large portions of food at one time then immediately spits the food back. There are 2 types of bulimia, namely:

  • bulimia purging (regularly forcibly spewing food or misuse of laxatives and diuretics)
  • bulimia nonpurging (using methods to prevent weight gain, such as fasting, strict diets or excessive exercise to burn calories that come through food).

3. Eating Disorder not Otherwise Specified (EDNOS)
People with EDNOS have symptoms that are almost similar to anorexia and bulimia. Usually sufferers are very disturbed eating patterns and have excessive fear of experiencing weight gain. Physical signs of EDNOS such as weight ups and downs, menstrual cycle disorders, frequent pain due to impaired immune system, etc.

The psychological signs are dissatisfaction with excessive body shape, low self-esteem and feeling ashamed, sensitive to food, etc. Signs of behavior include excessive dieting, changes in food preferences, anti-social behavior, etc. Be careful Friend Healthy, because this disorder can result in infertility, both in men and women tablets!

4. Other specified feeding and eating disorers (OSFED)
Some clinical symptoms of OSFED include weight loss significantly but still within the normal range, experiencing anorexia and bulimia nervosa with low frequency, vomiting food, and experiencing  night eating syndrome . In general, you will see signs such as being very concerned with body weight, changes in eating behavior, and changes in personality and social behavior.

The problem of fear of fat is common in women, especially teenagers and those who are growing up. So, you should be vigilant if you or your friends have the above symptoms! However the ideal body weight is the best. (Aug & Don)

Asmat Malnutrition, Slap for All of Us

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Asmat Malnutrition, Slap for All of Us - Healthy Friend, are you an active Instagram user? Yep, as one of the most popular social media right now, there are many things that we have witnessed on Instagram. Starting from the latest fashion trends , vacation style artists,  celebrity makeup products , to everyday activities selebgram that seems almost perfect like fairy tales. But, have you seen the news about the Asmat malnutrition case on Instagram or other social media?

As one of the countries with good economic development, the purchasing power of Indonesian people has also improved compared to the new decades. However, behind it all, the gap still occurs. Asmat, which has been in the spotlight a few months ago, is a region in the easternmost part of Indonesia, Papua Province. According to the World Food Program, Papua is one of the regions with the highest levels of malnutrition together with East Nusa Tenggara (NTT). With areas that are difficult to reach because they are separated by the sea with mountainous land conditions, access to food, health information, and medical devices in Asmat has become limited.

In a previous expert question article , it was mentioned that measles for children has a dangerous impact. When a child who is not vaccinated has measles, he will lose weight and be at risk of blindness due to vitamin A deficiency. With this weight loss, infectious diseases are very easy to attack the child so that if not handled properly, death is very likely to occur. Therefore, the scope of immunization, especially measles immunization in Asmat is questionable.

Not only discussed in national media
This extraordinary event slapped us all. This case is not only hotly discussed in local and national media, but also in international media. " The hollow eyes of hunger in Indonesia's Papua " written by Step Vaessen in Aljazeera media . This article illustrates how deaths from starvation and measles outbreaks are ironic because they occur in the largest gold mining area in the world operated by an American company, Freeport. This irony has also been discussed before in TIME with the article title " A Tragic, Forgotten Place. Poverty and Death in Indonesia's Land of Gold ".

Apart from handling in terms of nutrition and health, this treatment can not be separated from improvement from the other side
In the commemoration of the National Nutrition Day on January 25, 2018, the importance of specific and sensitive nutrition interventions was discussed. Specific nutrition interventions are efforts to prevent and reduce nutritional problems directly, for example by providing immunization and supplementary feeding (PMT). Whereas sensitive nutrition interventions are efforts to prevent and reduce nutrition problems indirectly, usually carried out by the non-health sector, for example by providing clean water, poverty alleviation, and infrastructure improvements.

herefore, topics related to nutrition are no longer only used by the Nutrition Directorate of the Ministry of Health. This topic was also in fact discussed in other ministries that might have never discussed nutrition before, for example the Ministry of Villages, Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration to the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education.

Asmat malnutrition case so a  wake up call for  us all. You agree?

3 Main Worms Cause Infection in Children!

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3 Main Worms Cause Infection in Children! - Hello, Healthy Friend! You must be familiar with listening to the events of intestinal worms in young children. The government even announced that it would consume worm medicine twice a year. What are worms actually? And what kind of worm causes this disease? Come, see the following explanation!

There are 3 types of worms that cause intestinal infections. As a result of this infection, sufferers will experience malnutrition, anemia and decreased levels of health so that the impact on growth disorders and cognitive abilities. The three worms are roundworms ( Ascaris lumbricoides ), whipworms ( Trichuris trichiura ) and hookworms ( Necator americanus and Ancylostoma duodenale ).

1. Ascaris lumbricoides
Ascaris lumbricoides can be as long as 15-30 cm when mature and will take up a large amount of space in the intestine. These worms can live for 12-18 months in the body, then continue to multiply. If it reaches a minimum of 300, the child infected with the worm will have a low appetite because it will not feel hungry. Uniquely, this worm can last for 12-18 months!

The presence of Ascaris lumbricoides can cause intestinal mucosal abnormalities such as inflammation of the intestinal wall or lengthening and shortening of the intestinal villi which will interfere with food absorption. In addition, this worm also gives a hyperperistaltic effect, causing diarrhea or an unpleasant taste in the stomach and appetite disorders.

2. Trichuris trichiura
Trichuris trichiura which is often called a whipworm is a type of worm that can cause abnormalities in the body if there is trauma by worms or toxic effects. In severe infections, patients can experience bloody diarrhea, slimy and anemia due to bleeding that occurs in the intestinal mucosa. Trichuris trichiura in addition to using carbohydrates as its food, also suck 0.005 ml of blood per day in adulthood. This worm has a very long life span of 10 years and will certainly disrupt the growth of children.

3. Hookworm ( Necator americanus and Ancylostoma duodenale )
Hookworm infections are usually caused by Necator americanus and Ancylostoma duodenale . These worms enter through the pores of the skin and live in the upper third of the small intestine and can last up to 7 years or more. Ancylostoma duodenale can suck up to 0.16-0.34 ml of blood per day, while a Necator americanus can suck 0.03-0.05 ml of blood per day, an amount greater than that of Trichuris trichiura . The bite from Ancylostoma duodenale has a heavier effect and a stronger anticoagulant ability than that caused by Necator americanus .

Clinical symptoms that occur depend on the severity or degree of infection in the form of anorexia (do not want to eat), nausea, vomiting, bloody diarrhea, fatigue, headache, shortness of breath, palpitations, dyspepsia, and pain around the intestine. Symptoms of anemia due to iron deficiency are the most common symptoms. Iron provides an important role in the immune system, cell division, and energy metabolism. So, imagine what if your child is infected with this worm?

Well, that's the 3 types of worms that often infect children. To avoid this disease, let's teach your child to adopt a clean and healthy lifestyle!

Come, Acquaintances with Anorexia and Bulimia!

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Come, Acquaintances with Anorexia and Bulimia! - Hello Healthy Friend! Ever heard of the term eating disorder ? Eating disorder is an eating disorder caused by psychological factors in a person. There are many public figures who experience this disorder, one of them because of the demands of the role or profession they live. Not only that, this disorder has started to spread to the general public, not left behind among teenagers .

here are 2 types of eating disorders that are quite familiar, namely anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa . Come on, find out more!

1. Anorexia nervosa
This eating disorder consists of 2 types. The first type is the type of " binge eating  or cleaning". So in this type, people will eat large amounts quickly and secretly. To avoid weight gain as a result of this behavior, the person will exercise excessively or spit out his food. Whereas the second type is eating disorders which tend to severely limit their daily intake. Well, what are the characteristics of people with this disorder?
  • Underweight due to the refusal of food consumption
  • Doing exercise excessively to burn calories
  • Can develop into changes in eating habits, such as cutting food to a very small form and requires a long time to eat
  • Experiencing body image disorders and thinking that his body is fat even though he is actually very thin
  • Having unrealistic thoughts like "everything will be fine as long as I'm thin"

2. Bulimia nervosa
Bulimia nervosa is an eating disorder that is regular binge eating, which spits out food that is eaten regularly and continuously with each meal followed by efforts to prevent weight gain. A person with bulimia nervosa will:

  • Feeling out of control of food and being afraid you can't stop eating
  • Avoid losing weight by exercising too much or fasting.

Well, Healthy Friends must be curious about what makes a person have an eating disorder like this?

1. Individual factors
Teenagers sometimes always think of perfect things according to their own perceptions. They sometimes don't know how to weigh well according to health. They only think about other people's perceptions of their body shape or weight. They are very sensitive and difficult to express what they need or feel.

2. Family factors
The family does not make someone affected by eating disorder . It's just the communication factor in the family that can make the child experience eating disorder .

3. Cultural factors
The cultural factor in question is the existence of environmental perceptions or advertisements and leaflets which say that "thin is beautiful". Things like this that make someone make the wrong mindset.

Well, Healthy Friends already understand more about the 2 types of eating disorders that occur a lot in the environment around us? The thing to remember is how we maintain ideal body weight, not competing to become fat or thin as perceptions of "beautiful" in society.

Diabetes Insipidus, is it the same as other Diabetes?

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Diabetes Insipidus, is it the same as other Diabetes? - Hello, Healthy Friend! Diabetes is a contagious disease that is widely known to the public. Usually people are more familiar with this disease with two types, namely Diabetes Mellitus (DM) type 1 and type 2.
In addition, there are also types of this disease that occur during pregnancy or called gestational diabetes. The equation of the two, namely, causes increased blood sugar levels and less effective work of the hormone insulin. But what if there is a type of this disease that is not related to blood sugar levels and the hormone insulin? Want to know the answer? Come, see the explanation here!

What is diabetes insipidus?
The type of insipidus is actually not the same as mellitus. Yep, this type of diabetes, caused by kidney function that is not as usual, such as producing excessive urinary volume, tasteless, watery, and not smelly. In normal people, ginja can produce 1-2 liters of urine per day. But in patients with this type, the kidneys produce 3-20 liters of urine per day. Well, because of this excessive fluid expenditure, making sufferers often feel thirsty.

This is the cause,
Diabetes insipidus is caused due to a problem with a hormone called vasiopressin (AVP) or antidiuretic hormone (ADH). AVP hormone works to regulate fluid regulation in the body. When the fluid condition in the body is less / low, the pituitary gland (gland under the brain) will produce this hormone.
The AVP hormone makes the body react by reducing the amount of water released by the kidneys so that urine is more concentrated. Whereas in diabetes, due to the disruption of the AVP hormone, causing the kidneys can not produce enough concentrated urine, but issued a lot of urine.

It has nothing to do with sugar levels, why is it called diabetes?

These two types of diabetes, insipidus and mellitus, are not related to each other. However, the symptoms caused by both are the same, namely frequent urination and feeling thirsty. In this type of mellitus, this disease is caused by high blood sugar levels, due to the inability of the body to use blood sugar to be used as energy. While people with diabetes insipidus have normal blood sugar levels, but their kidneys can not maintain body fluid balance.

The following are the types,

  • Cranial diabetes insipidus occurs because the body does not produce enough AVP. This type is the most common. The reason is because of damage to the hypotalamus or pituitary gland in the brain due to infection, post surgery, brain tumors, and cereda head. In 1 of these 3 cases, it is still unknown why the hypothalamus  stops producing the AVP hormone.
  • Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus; occurs because the kidneys fail to respond to the AVP hormone, even though the hormones produced in sufficient quantities.

Recommended diet

There is no specific diet recommended for this disease. Unlike the DM diet which must regulate eating patterns with the principle of 5j, sufferers of this disease do not have any restrictions on the intake of nutrients from carbohydrates and fats for consumption in normal amounts. A lot of fluid intake is highly recommended to compensate for the amount of urine output by the kidneys.

Now that's the type of diabetes you need to know. It turns out that although the symptoms are the same, the causes occur and the dietary patterns applied are also different, Healthy Friends. But you still have to be aware of this disease, yes, by applying healthy pollywood and keep exercising diligently! Do not forget to  share  this article and give your comments, yes!

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